Sunday, September 30, 2007
Island getaways for a steal
The buzz about Thailand’s real estate market tends to revolve around the new, glamorous, big-name projects: high-end investment developments, luxury condos and villas, and other upscale properties. And it’s plain to see why, as glitzy projects clearly have the most sex appeal. But what about properties designed for more mid-market consumers — buyers looking to spend, say, 150,000 pounds sterling, or roughly Bt9 million? People, for example, who might be in search of a somewhat simple weekend getaway home at the beach? How big are such houses or condos? How close might these homes be to the beach? What kind of sea views — if any — are available? Following is an examination of what two popular locales — Koh Samui and Phuket — have to offer in this price range.