he 2010 Global Real Estate Transparency Index (GRETI) reveals a notable slowdown in the progress of real estate transparency over the past two years, except in the Asia Pacific region. It suggests that the recent turmoil in global financial, economic and real estate markets has impacted on market behaviour, with real estate players focusing on survival rather than market advancement.The Asia Pacific region has shown the most broadly-based improvements in transparency over the past two years. Australia and New Zealand are the region’s most transparent markets, closely followed by Singapore and Hong Kong. However, it is in India and China where the region’s greatest advances have been recorded, a trend that has now filtered across each of their secondary and tertiary cities. Asia Pacific also continues to show some of the biggest anomalies, with both Japan and South Korea showing low levels of real estate transparency relative to their economic maturity.
* 9 out of 15 fastest improvers are in Europe and 6 are in Asia Pacific
* Turkey is the best improver
* Australia is the most transparent real estate market
* A third of countries are static or declining
* 89% of countries received a score of “semi-transparent” or below in relation to the transparency of their real estate debt market data